The Machine Shop 5-18-05 | The Machine Shop 6-7-05 | The Machine Shop 7-21-05 | The Machine Shop 9-29-05 |
The Machine Shop 11-17-07 | The Machine Shop 6-3-08 | The Machine Shop 10-10-08 |
The Machine Shop 5-16-09 | DTE Music Theater 8-7-10 | Emerald Theater 10-17-10 | The Machine Shop 12-2-10 |
Saint Andrews Hall 5-21-11 | The Machine Shop 7-9-11 | The Machine Shop 7-18-12 | The Machine Shop 8-20-13 |
The Machine Shop 1-31-14 | The Machine Shop 3-15-15 | The Crofoot 4-25-16 | The Machine Shop 8-23-16 |
Soaring Eagle 9-3-17 | Saint Andrews Hall 11-8-17 | The Machine Shop 12-22-17 | Loudwire Live 8-10-18 |